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More and more business users and consumers replace their old cellphones for new smartphones, which they can use for internet access and by 2013
Android OS together with Windows 7 platform will lead the smartphone market says Global Market Intelligence firm report.
According to IDC report 450 million smartphones will be shipped in 2011 , which is 50% more in comparison with 303.4 million smartphones shipped in 2010.
The majority of shipped smartphones in 2010 where Android OS based.
According to IDC, the first time smartphone buyers most likely will buy Android based smartphones in 2011 and Google Android OS having end of the last year market share of 39.5 per cent will nearly double it of the fast declining Symbian this year.
IDC research projects rapidly growing global smartphone market by an average of 19.6 per cent between 2011 and 2015
IDC expects Android OS will dominate the market with 45 per cent of the global smartphone sales by 2015 and Microsoft will be the second with 20.9 per cent of the global market share.
Although, IDC research predicts further substantial growth for the Blackberry and Apple’s IOS platform throughout the period , but their market share will change over that time, however Symbian will lose smartphone battle with market positions and will have only 0.2 per cent market share in 2015.
source IDC