According to identified code in the iOS 5 operating system software, developers may have found proof that iOS 5 could pave the way for Retina display in the next generation iPad 3. Developers have found that the Twitter.framework features a 1536 x 2048 pixel icon.
This size is double the current size needed for the iPad 2’s icons and these huge icon dimensions are also showing up in Apple’s magazine app and Newsstand, which leads us down the Retina display path all the way to the next upcoming version of the iPad 3.
Many iPad fans may say that these dimensions means absolutely nothing as they were spotted for some iPad app icons back in January, and the iPad 2, has been released since without Retina display technology.
However you may look at this little piece of code, it is clear that Apple is indeed preparing for Retina display, either in the next version of the iPad or perhaps another after that.