Social networking mavens who like to keep abreast of developments at all times will look fondly upon AnyPost. Most suitable for Android phone owners who have pre-Eclair versions of the OS, AnyPost brings the uni-fied messaging idea to the fore.
But we’re not just talking Facebook, Twitter and your favoured IM client here. More than 30 social networks and streaming services are supported, so you can monitor and change the list you’ve got on the go as well.
Bloggers can post updates to their websites and keep tabs on reader comments – useful if your commenters have a tendency to flame each other or get worked up, or a lot of spam eludes your filter. You’ll want to spot such issues and deal with them imme¬diately, wherever you may be at the time.
Like Tweetdeck – the dashboard app that lets you get a grip on Twitter and the dozens of responses and updates that following lots of users involves – AnyPost has one pane for other people’s chatter and an outgoing one for what you’ve posted yourself and where. The whole thing is managed through, itself a valuable update tool.