E-book reading is considerably more practi¬cal on a 7in or 10in tablet than a typical 3.5in Android smartphone, but whatever the size of your device it’s worth downloading this free app. After setting up a free account with Amazon, you even get enough credit to buy your first book at no cost.
If you already have an Amazon account from online shopping, you can log in using this and will then be able to download any books you’ve bought previously. An onscreen status message tells you how recently content was synced from Amazon, so you don’t need to bother logging on just in case.
Amazon says more than 620,000 titles are available for viewing through Kindle, though the full complement is not available outside the US. The first chapter of each book can be downloaded and read on your PC or mobile device before you decide to buy it. If you can read websites and spend hours Facebook-messaging on your mobile device, you shouldn’t find reading a gripping novel too much of a stretch, and of course you can adjust the text size to suit your display and eyesight.