Galaxy Note 3 Experience App
Whilst the first thoughts that come into your head after seeing the name, the ‘Galaxy Note 3 Experience App’ in the app store might be to do with an application that allows you to use the Galaxy Note 3’s features on another smartphone, it’s unfortunately not true.
Instead, the Galaxy Note 3 Experience App offers users an interactive look into the features that the Note series of devices are capable of.
For example, users will be able to view the Galaxy Note 3’s features on another smartphone either through a video embedded into the app, or through a step-by-step guide that shows you how to use the Galaxy Note 3 features.
Unfortunately the Galaxy Note 3 Experience app doesn’t let users have a play with the Galaxy Note 3’s features on another smartphone through the app itself, and instead offers a very on-the-rails type experience.
It does however give those who haven’t used TouchWiz before a look into what features make Samsung’s devices stand out, and the app does quite a good job of it.
The application shows each and every feature and explains how they could be useful for your day to day tasks, so if you’re uncertain whether to purchase the Galaxy Note 3 or not, this guide should hopefully give you a good idea about whether you’d like to or not.
Whilst I like Samsung’s features, it’s a shame that we have to pay the premium price for their products to get the use of the software, but it’s unlikely we’ll ever see any standalone software or TouchWiz apps from Samsung in the future.
Source: Google Play